Over at Cuttlebug Challenge you can view 3 new Christmas folders in a new size of 5 x 7 along with 4 Christmas A2 folders (including the Lace Tree back by popular demand). These are some of the new designs.
Whilst it's great that the survey ProvoCraft did earlier this year was listened too, I personally found it disappointing and confusing that they had chosen a size 5 x 7! The CB max width is 6". Since I like to emboss straight on to the cardstock because wrapping the folder round a card can cause creasing due to the pressure on the folder, the size will not help me! It will in fact limit me!! Is this just me???? If you use a 5 x 7 card - great and the new size border folder should be useful. But, for any other size card?!?!? What do you think? Does it mean I might have to get a BS?
Anyway, on a positive note, thanks ProvoCraft for listening, and to CC for informing us of the new developments. You can check out CC's full post on the above link.
oh dear I feel like a bit of a userper as I already have a BS and so the folders will be ideal..I think it strange that Provocraft did not take this into consideration for it's 'bug' users.. I'll watch your Blog Ikki for more info
I am not following why you have a problem with the size?????
Liz, The size 5 x 7 will make it only possible to pass through 1 way because the opening (or mouth as a friend called it) is only 6" on the Bug. It will also mean that the cardstock will have to be wrapped round the folder, this can cause creasing and you are never able to emboss right up to the centre fold. It will make the folders less versatile on 6 x 4 and on 6" square, but 5" square would be okay- I like to emboss 2/3rd of card fronts and print the sentiment either top or bottom. With the 5 x 7 this will not be possible because for me the bit left will not be big enough and so look out of preportion. This is only my personal thinking, others might see it differently. Hope this explains how I feel it will work or not work. ikki
I do feel that these new sized folders are great. Since the 5x7 and the larger cards have gained in popularity the old sized folders just do not work as well. I was really getting tired of having to put them through my wizard twice to cover the card. I'm glad you will still be able to use them with the CB but am wondering why the CB company choose to have a smaller opening than the other two leading machines? Just a thought.
Good point Dianne, there was a rumour awhile back that the CB was being discontinued, but ProveCraft say no it wasn't true. I have no idea why the machines differ if width. Does anyone?
Hi Ikki
I was really pleased to see they had listened about the folder size but I have a big shot and not a cuttlebug, I hadn't thought about it causing a problem with cuttlebug users. I hope Provocraft can develop something that helps everybody regardless of what machine they have. Hugs Julie
I agree with you Ikki.
Isn't it that they assume the world uses folded US letter size (rather than international A4 or A5) and will wrap the card? I find folding the card nearly always ends up with nasty creases whereas putting it through sideways and flat is great. Ho hum!
Conspiracy theory: I seem to remember another part of that questionnaire asking about a larger CB ?... perhaps...????
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