
Hi, Thanks for dropping by.

My name is Eileen but to friends in the card making world I'm known as 'ikki'. (which is pronounced I-KEY) From where or how this came about I'm not sure - it just got shorten from my original craft name of Ikemo by various friends along my crafting way! I started crafting whilst recouperating from an accident, and from my first attempts with peeloffs and paint - I was hooked! Now my passion is my BUG! and now BEADING!

In the Cupboard you will find ideas, news, tips and techniques to help you get more from this fab little machine. So come in - join the fun and Cuttle with me!

Friday, 10 December 2010


These lovely ladies have nominated me for these awards


and Jackie

Although I really appreciate all of these ladies supporting and finding the Cupboard an interesting place to visit, unfortunately due to time restraits  I have to duck out of passing on these awards on. Blogging is an adventure, and visiting other crafters can encourage and inspire you - so why not pop over and visit these ladies, you will not be disappointed and you could make new friends on the way.  

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