From the random number generator......the winner of the board is..,....
No.5 with this comment "Two great projects here - wouldn't have thought the boat could be mnade using a score board - you live and learn!! "
from Aquarius. Congratulations, will you contact me please and I will arrange with Phyllis to delivery your board.
My thanks to Diamond Card Crafts for their generous gift of such a clever piece of equipment. I'm sure Aquarius with make good use of it.
Since posting free download projects, Phyllis now has another download for you which shows how to change the colour of your printer ink on your computor. Another free gift from DCC, so why not pop over and get your copy.
Chat soon.

Wow I can't believe I've actually won something - such a surprise. I've sent you a PM via Chocolate Baroque with my details. Take care and you will catch up I'm sure but life happens and holds us up sometimes.
Well done Val - a lovely prize.
Congratulations to the winner, I hope you have hours of fun with your board. Lee xx
Ikki, when you do post it's always worth waiting for. Life seems to get in the way at times. You are appreciated.
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